Gently Flowing Water

Saturday, July 16, 2011
Pools of Sadness to Lakes of Joy
by Crystal J. Ortmann
A prayer request was given in Sunday school for all mothers to come and pray for an infant. She was a tiny, black child with curly hair.
The baby lay quietly in her foster mother’s arms. As I looked down at her, I looked into the deepest pools of sadness I had ever seen. She couldn’t have been more than a month or two old. I reached out and gently stroked her soft, baby hair. Over and over, I caressed her, willing some trust and love into this tiny being. She had broken ribs and had other internal injuries from physical abuse. It broke my heart. How could anyone do something like that to such an innocent and helpless baby? My soul cried out to God on her behalf.
The prayer seemed to last a long time, and during those moments, I kept my hand on her head. When the prayer was finished, I opened my eyes and looked at her. She was asleep in the loving arms of her foster mother. It seemed a sign of trust.
It’s hard for me to reconcile this sort of thing with God’s care, but we Christians and other innocent people can be hurt by the sins of others. All I know is that I pray for God’s complete healing for her life and for her to be a strong woman of God.
Although it was hard to look at that sweet little face and those sad brown eyes, I counted it a privilege to be able to pray for this child. I believe God will take this horrendous situation and bring great joy out of it. I pray also for those children of whom I’m not aware. I pray God will touch their little lives. I want Him to take those terrifying and hideous sins against these little ones and make something beautiful out of them and turn those pools of sadness into lakes of joy.
Friday, July 15, 2011
A Sense of Sadness
Crystal J. Ortmann
Darkness still covers the land. It is early morning and I ponder deep things. No sounds intrude and I feel a sense of sadness mounting. You see, it’s almost Christmas.
Frank and I are still struggling with our finances after five layoffs. We just declared bankruptcy. We don’t even know how we will make it financially through the next two weeks. I see others scurrying about, writing cards, buying gifts and getting a tree—things most take for granted.
Yet, it is not for us. There is no money for a tree, cards, stamps, or gifts. It makes me sad. I would love to bless people, especially those I love the most. I don’t want to pity myself, but sometimes the sorrow comes out.
Frank has been a manager most of our married life. We have overcome huge obstacles--financial and otherwise, throughout our 27years of marriage. Yet, now he is driving a delivery truck and I am ill. My writing career seems to be going nowhere. What happened to us? There has been blow after financial blow. We just never get ahead. We lost almost everything--and now, bankruptcy. Self-pity rises like the tide and threatens to break over me. I hate these trials. They make me feel like I’m always on the outside looking in on what normal people are able to do. Why me, Lord?
I feel so badly for Frank and the blows he has experienced. He searches constantly for a better job, but nothing seems to gel. I don’t see how he can stand it--yet, he does. I do too—and I know why. We both love Jesus and we love each other. We committed to be faithful in poverty or wealth. It’s not an option to try to get out of our marriage. The commitment and the grace of Jesus Christ is what holds us together and makes our marriage strong through devastating circumstances.
Our relationship with our Savior gives purpose and meaning to our lives, despite tribulation. It is our faith that helps us through times of doubt and despair. God alone is able to help us recognize the true meaning of Christmas. It doesn’t have anything to do with all the commercialism, frantic activity, trees, cards or gifts. Those are all lovely ways of expressing God’s love to others, but are not the true meaning of Christmas.
During this time of deprivation, I find myself thinking of the blessings that are mine.
• I have a strong, enduring and satisfying marriage.
• We are surrounded by loving and caring people.
• We are secure in our love for God and His for us.
• We have been blessed in the most precious of ways—good friends and loving family members.
• So many have blessed us with their financial generosity and by bringing us food, clothing, and other treats.
• We have many prayer partners who care and share their love with us.
• We are able to be still and enjoy the peace of the Christmas season—stripped of all the trappings that often obscure what it’s all about.
Come to think of it, we are exceedingly blessed. Although success in the worldly sense isn’t ours at this time, we are successful in the eyes of God, because we trust in Him. A sense of sadness comes and goes and is even a normal thing for such circumstances, but we don’t need to live there. God can take our sorrow and make it into a beautiful thing, if we let Him.
This was written at a time when we were going through one of many periods of unemployment. I pray it will touch someone's heart with hope and blessing.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Having My Ducks All in a Row
Frank and I are trying to cultivate a healthier lifestyle and lose some weight. One of our new and very relaxing ways to do that is to go for a walk in the early evening. Last night, we were treated to a hilarious scenario. First, we got severely scolded by two Killdeers trying to protect their nest. The eggs had hatched and the chicks were so new that they still were wet. The problem is, the nest is in the middle of a small front lawn that is flanked by a sidewalk, so the number of people causing these birds stress is huge (they obviously haven't heard that location is everything!!!) :-)
We continued on and turned by the golf course that intersects our little town. I saw this strange sight. Coming toward us was a conga line of ducks. They were waddling as quickly as possible, came down to the street, stopped, then crossed the street on the crosswalk, still all in a line, and proceeded to continue their silly waddling off into the sunset.
We went a bit farther to the pond. It seemed a race was in progress and two ducklings reared up and came roaring down the waterway, neck in neck. We laughed out loud at them. They couldn't wait to get over to see if we had something for them. There were six ducklings (still downy) and they mobbed Frank, surrounding his feet (actually, it was cupboard love, since someone had spilled cracked corn where he was standing), but we like to think it was Frank--duck whisperer! :-)) We came home energized and filled with good humor due to the silly antics of God's creatures. Our favorite was watching the ducks lined up, giving new meaning to having your ducks all in a row!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Storms of Life
Wild-looking clouds threaten.
A storm is on its way.
“Not again, dear Lord,”
Is all I find to say.
Though I’m shaken and disheveled,
He always sees me through.
Why do I always argue?
It’s a foolish thing to do.
Storms of life come often,
But then they always go.
He allows them in my life,
Because He loves me so.
Nothing He sends can hurt me.
I’m safe within His arms.
I’ll rest in that assurance
That not a thing can harm.
By Crystal J. Ortmann, ©2005
Light of My Path
Sun filters through
A majestic forest.
It beckons me to come.
The way is dark,
And I’m afraid.
Still, it calls to me.
God provides His Light
To show me the way
Through life’s shadows.
He lights the path
Ahead of me
And He will lead me on.
By Crystal J. Ortmann, ©
Sun filters through
A majestic forest.
It beckons me to come.
The way is dark,
And I’m afraid.
Still, it calls to me.
God provides His Light
To show me the way
Through life’s shadows.
He lights the path
Ahead of me
And He will lead me on.
By Crystal J. Ortmann, ©
Soft fragrance
Wafting from a bloom
Perfectly created.
Tissue paper thin;
Of many hues.
Scent of loveliness . . .
God’s creation
My delight:
A columbine.
by Crystal J. Ortmann
Springtime Beauty
Photo by Frank B. Ortmann
Splashes of purple
Radiant in the sun
Lure the bees and the butterfly.
Spring flowers
Shout aloud
In a sun-soaked Spring day.
By Crystal J. Ortmann©
Splashes of purple
Radiant in the sun
Lure the bees and the butterfly.
Spring flowers
Shout aloud
In a sun-soaked Spring day.
By Crystal J. Ortmann©
Friday, July 8, 2011
Whispers of the Lord
Be still,
And hear the whispers of the Lord.
It’s more important
To sit at His feet and learn from Him.
Comes when you don’t accomplish
All you planned.
Stills your creativity,
Draining color and leaving drabness
In your thoughts
Whirls your mind chaotically.
Sit quietly.
Drink in the beauty of life.
With open ear.
Hear the wind whisper its sweet message.
What God has to give you
As you listen to the whispers of the Lord.
Crystal J. Ortmann
©2003, USA
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