Gently Flowing Water

Gently Flowing Water

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bungee-Jumping Spider

Now, I am no real fan of spiders that are bigger than my little toenail, but I have quite the intrepid one in my office. I watched him as he bungee-jumped down the wall. He's hardly bigger than a speck. For him (I just assume it's a him), it's a huge freefall. However, he gets down so far and then stops himself somehow and hangs onto the wall. Beginning a huge trek upwards, he seems to be grazing as he goes. Not only did he do this once but umpteen times as I sat there watching. What on earth is he finding to eat? How does he know when he is far enough down? What stops him? Does he have brakes on his body part that dispenses the spider thread? Does he leave it there at the bottom and then produce more? Or, is he equipped with an inner reel to reel himself back up and reuse the thread?

Even the tiniest creature is provided with all it needs by the loving Creator. Won't He do the same for me?

1 comment:

  1. Sweet analogy and intriguing visual! I love your conclusion!
    I find them fascinating unless they invade my personal space!! We have some gargantuan wood spiders that have made the mistake of venturing into my house...that's when I go into Samurai Sally mode and eradicate them!! :) We also have some with a protrusion on their backs like a snail shell...they make perfect orb webs, very tightly spun, and they reflect the sunlight with mother of pearl pretty!!
