Gently Flowing Water

Gently Flowing Water

Monday, March 25, 2013

Big Things

All my life, I've loved big things:  big dogs, big horses and other animals are a few examples.  As I grew older and into my teen years, I was drawn to big, burly guys.  I never wondered why.  I just liked it that way.

My husband is tall (6"3") and my son is a bit taller than that.  I have a photo of me standing between them and I feel so protected every time I look at it.  My dad was 6 feet tall as well.  There have always been big men in my life.  That's not to say that shorter men have less value.   This is simply my personal preference, just as someone may like bald heads, blue eyes, blond or whatever color of hair better,

I pondered why I love big things.  The picture of my son and husband and I reminded me of protection.  But, why do I need protection?  It came to me slowly.  It was unsafe for me as a child and I felt a great need for protection.  It is an unsafe world we live in.

God has shown me that no matter what size one is, all of us have need of protection from a strong and mighty person.  That person is God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit.  The Triune God who watches over us and guards our ways.  No one is big enough or strong enough to go it alone.  We may take all the self-defense courses and learn how to protect ourselves, but in the long run, it is always God that we need.  He alone can protect us in body, spirit and mind.

Are you trying to run this race alone?  Turn to God and find the salvation that Jesus offered when He gave Himself for each of us.  Let the Holy Spirit embrace you and give you true peace.  He is the greatest protection of all.

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